Bet Angel Professional is the leading trading platform for betting Exchanges. If you are serious about getting the best from these markets and are looking to give yourself the best chance of making money, Bet Angel professional delivers!
Bet Angel professional has been designed to be a very versatile product. It includes many features specifically designed to aid you in different markets with strategies appropriate to each market and your specific trading or betting style. It is also very user definable, meaning that you can not only use the best possible trading and betting tools; but also tweak them to create your own unique position. This will help you maintain that critical edge in the market.
What Can Bet Angel Do?
Bet Angel has significant scope for improving your betting or trading capability. As well as standard features you would expect, such as a grid and ladder interface, Bet Angel professional also contains a number of significant enhancements to these basic features as well as a vast range of other innovative tools. Unique features like advanced charting, undocking and resizable windows, allow you to create a customisable view of the market and your trading setup. The overview screen gives you and at a glance look at activity, trends and risk. The connection mode concept allows you to trade even if Betfair’s API is down. These are just some of the tools available.
As the range of features is so extensive we have carefully prepared a full user guide. For full descriptions of all the features in Bet Angel please CLICK HERE to read the extensive user guide. This will give you a good feeling for the full power and capabilities of Bet Angel. We also have a ranges of videos available at for you to browse.
Bet Angel Professional
- Manual or Automated Trading
- Unique profiling Tools
- Link to a Spreadsheet
- Vast Range of Features
- The Ultimate Betfair Toolkit
- Practice Mode – Fully featured mode to help you learn how to use the software with no risk
- One Click Betting – Quickly place bets with automatic trading settings
- Ladder Interface – Vertical price ladder to view wider range of prices
- Advanced Charting – Multiple technical indicators available
- Dutching & Bookmaking tools – Back or Lay multiple runners in one market
- Excel spreadsheet Integration – Write your own advanced automation trading or betting bot
- Guardian – Multi Market Trading with Bet Angel Professional for Betfair
- Advanced Watch List – Keep track of multiple markets at a glance
- Advanced Automation – Fully automate your trading or betting activity
- Tennis Trader – Free Tennis Modelling Price Predictor
- Soccer Mystic – Free Soccer Match Predictor with price graphs
- In-Play Trader – Free Quickly place bets on the easy to spot market leader
- Market Overview – See detailed market information in one place
- Reference Guide – Read all about the advanced features BEFORE you buy
- Tutorial Videos – See detailed demonstations of each feature